Cashew consumption reduces total and LDL cholesterol: a randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trial

Cashew consumption reduces total and LDL cholesterol: a randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trial

Consumption of the cashew diet resulted in a significantly greater median change from baseline in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and the total-cholesterol:HDL-cholesterol ratio. There were no significant differences between diets for HDL cholesterol and triglyceride. In comparison with a control diet, the incorporation of cashews into typical American diets decreases total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Results from this study provide support that the daily consumption of cashews, when substituted for a high-carbohydrate snack, may be a simple dietary strategy to help manage total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

Potential biological applications of bio-based anacardic acids and their derivatives

Potential biological applications of bio-based anacardic acids and their derivatives

Cashew nut shells (CNS), which are agro wastes from cashew nut processing factories, have proven to be among the most versatile bio-based renewable materials in the search for functional materials and chemicals from renewable resources. The review focuses on natural anacardic acids from CNS and other plants and their semi-synthetic derivatives as possible lead compounds in medicine. In addition, the use of anacardic acid as a starting material for the synthesis of various biologically active compounds and complexes is reported.

Anti-inflammatory and wound healing potential of cashew apple juice (Anacardium occidentale L.) in mice

Anti-inflammatory and wound healing potential of cashew apple juice (Anacardium occidentale L.) in mice

Cashew apple is a tropical pseudofruit consumed as juice due to its excellent nutritional and sensory properties. In spite of being well known for its important antioxidant properties, the cashew apple has not been thoroughly investigated for its therapeutic potential. Thereby, this study evaluated the antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing activities of cashew apple juice.

Characterization of alkyl phenols in cashew (Anacardium occidentale) products and assay of their antioxidant capacity

Characterization of alkyl phenols in cashew (Anacardium occidentale) products and assay of their antioxidant capacity

In this study the content of anacardic acids, cardanols and cardols in cashew apple, nut (raw and roasted) and cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) were analysed. The data presented in this study, indicates that this waste product along with CNSL, both of which contain high contents of anacardic acids, could be better utilized in functional food formulations and may represent a cheap source of cancer chemopreventive agents.